Monday, June 18, 2018

Year 1, Week 46: I Really Enjoy Teaching in Spanish

This week has been really good! Some cool events happened. We got to go to a funeral for a members Sister. She was a member of the Episcopalian Church so it was at a different church. We had the opportunity to go on exchanges. I was in Waltham with Elder Kennard. He was in my Zone when I first came into the mission so its cool to be back with him. We also had Zone Conference with the Miller's where we were able to say goodbye and take pictures. 

On exchanges we picked up to investigators named C and C! We taught the Restoration and got their contact info. Elder Kennard doesn't speak any Spanish so I just talked. It went well! I really enjoy teaching in Spanish! 

We had a lesson with L and he told us he has now been 20 days without a drink! It was awesome! We talked to him about keeping the Sabbath day Holy and told us that he has taken a second job and has to start working on Sundays. We are working with him and trying to help him get days off! 

During Zone Conference, they talked a lot about sustaining our church leaders. They said to forget about them completely forget about them and that they no longer exist as leaders to us. It was a little sad. I love the Millers but the new President has my complete support with everything! I'm excited to learn from a different perspective.

We helped a member move to a different city. We through a bunch of stuff in the back of the truck and tied it down with ties. I've decided I'm definitely getting a truck when I come home because I want to be able to help people with things and a truck will come in handy! We are helping another member move on Thursday

Elder Hilbig is going home. We thought Elder Kennard was going to come to our companionship but he is going to the Portuguese Elder so he won't be with us.

All in all this week has been super good! Love you all! 

Elder Bushman

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